How is Epilepsy Treated?
People with epilepsy have repeated seizures as a result of a long-term brain disorder. One seizure does not constitute epilepsy - about half of people who have one seizure never have another. Seizures can also be caused by other conditions such as fever, diabetes, heart problems, and alcohol withdrawal. Epilepsy is more than one condition; rather, it is a group of conditions which can lead to seizures. The quest for a better understanding of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of epilepsy continues to this day. The goal is not simply to understand the disease and its complications, but also to develop effective treatments and preventative measures that will keep patients safe. Thankfully, advances in technology and diagnosis have made it possible for doctors to focus on what they do best—treating patients with epilepsy who need help. With the right approach, treating epilepsy isn't as difficult as you might think. Below, NYC neurologist David Schick shares some ways your doct...